The Magical Revival. London, Skoob Books Publishing 1991. With 17 illustrations on 16 plates. [12], 244 S. Schwarzer OLeinwand-Band mit silbergeprägtem Rückentitel und Deckel, mit illustriertem OUmschlag.
Skoob esoterica. - First corrected Edition. With foreword by Kenneth Grant, dated 1990. Contents: Introduction. 1. Return of the Phoenix. 2. Metaphysical Bases of Sexual Magick. 3. Dark Dynasties. 4. Centres of Power. 5. Drugs and the Occult. 6. Barbarous Names of Evocation. 7. Star Fire. 8. Blood, Vampirism, Death and Moon Magick. 9. Strayed Gods. 10. Dion Fortune. 11. Austin Osman Spare and the Zos Kia Cultus. 12. The Death Posture and the New Sexuality. 13. Conclusion. Glossary (p.213-229). Bibliography (p.230-233). Index (p.235-244). - Umschlag gering berieben, sonst gutes Exemplar.
Zos Kia Kult
Aleister Crowley
Austin Osman Spare