Secret Dakini Oracle. [A Tantric Divination Deck]. Based upon the mystical teachings of the Tantric tradition. Created by Nik Douglas, Penny Slinger & Meryl White. Cards printed in Switzerland by AG Muller & Cie. Box printed in U.S.A. Published and Distributed by U.S. Games Systems, Inc., New York 1977 [Copyright]. 65 full color cards + 7 cards with instructions [= 14 S.]. [130 x 79 mm]. - In farbig illustriertem OPapp-Schuber [225 x 137 mm].
Eckhard Graf, Lexikon des Tarot Nr. 245. Vgl. Kaplan I, S.279-281. - Schachtel mit geringen Gebrauchsspuren, sonst gutes Exemplar, Karten unbenutzt.