Myer, Isaac:

Qabbalah. The Philosophical Writings of Solomon Ben Yehudah Ibn Gebirol or Avicebron and their connection with the Hebrew Qabbalah and Sepher ha-Zohar, with remarks upon the antiquity and content of the latter, and translations of selected passages from the same. Also an Ancient Lodge of Initiates, translated from the Zohar, and an abstract of an Essay upon the Chinese Qabbalah, contained in the book called the Yih King; a translation of part of the Mystic Theology of Dionysios, the Areopagite; and an account of the construction of the ancient Akkadian and Chaldean Universe, etc. Accompanied by [6] Diagrams and Illustrations. Philadelphia, 150 Copies Published by the Author 1888. Folio. [365 x 282 mm]. With frontispiece, 3 plates and 39 figures in the text. [2] w., XXIV, 499, [3] w. S. OLwd. mit goldgeprägtem Leder-Rückenschild und Kopfgoldschnitt.

No. 3 of the large-paper edition limited to 150 copies, numbered and signed by the author. Title printed in red and black. - Scholem 849 (knows only the limited edition of 350 copies). - Sehr breitrandiges Exemplar, mit Index. - Einband fachgerecht nachgebunden. Deckel etwas fleckig und berieben. Sonst nur ganz vereinzelt minimal stockfleckig.

Schlagworte:Kabbala /Judaica /Religionswissenschaften


Preis:685,00 EUR