Finger-Ring Lore. Historical, legendary, anecdotal. London, Chatto and Windus 1877. With numerous illustrations [in the text]. XVI, 545 S., 1 Bl.; 32 S. [publisher’s advertisements]. Blauer OLwd. mit goldgeprägtem Rückentitel, Rückenvergoldung und Deckelgoldprägung.
First edition. - Still one of the best studies on the subject, covering extensively the range of “ring superstitions”. Contents: Rings from the earliest period. Ring superstitions. Secular investiture by the ring. Rings in connection with ecclesiastical usages. Betrothal and wedding rings. Token rings. Memorial and mortuary rings. Posy, inscription, and motto rings. Customs and incidents in connection with rings. Remarkable rings. - Einband bestoßen und fleckig, Kapital minimal eingerissen, leicht gelockert. Innendeckel mit Exlibris. Vorsätze leicht wasserrandig, sonst fast völlig sauber.